Ravenna Grass
Saccharum ravennae
Description: This is a bunchgrass with cane-like stalks. The stalks can be 6-12 feet tall with a basal area several feet in diameter. Ravenna grows in clumps and develops a diffuse root system. This plant can be identified by the white vein running the length of the bottom of a leaf. These leaves are bilaterally serrated and have fine hairs.
Ecological Threat: This grass can form monocultures that outcompete native plants. This grass can anchor soils that traditionally shift and can act as a physical barrier to stream flow.
Biology & Spread: This plant grows in moist areas. It can grow in a variety of soil types and in varying levels of sun. Lightweight seeds disperse easily by wind and water. Ravenna thrives in disturbed areas, especially riparian habitats.
Threat in Oklahoma: This grass can block water flow and outcompetes native vegetation.
Image Credit:
Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States
Texas Invasives
Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants